mercredi 20 juin 2012

This Girl Snuck Into a Russian Military Rocket Factory

This Girl Snuck Into a Russian Military Rocket Factory

This Girl Snuck Into a Russian Military Rocket Factory

Her name is Lana Sator and she snuck into one of NPO Energomash factories outside of Moscow. Her photos are amazing, like sets straight out of Star Wars or Alien. Now the Russian government is harassing her.

samedi 2 juin 2012

Armageddon, la nuit la plus longue (DOCU FRANCE 4)

Vendredi 12 mai 2012 à 20h35 France 4 dévoilait son documentaire fiction traitant de la fin du monde. Ce savant mélange entre documents d'archives et vidéos fiction vous permettront d'imaginer à quoi ressemblerait la Terre si elle venez à entrer en collision avec un astéroïde.

click link: Fukushima Reactor 4 poses massive global riskone year anniversary, japan, fukushima

More than a year after a devastating earthquake and tsunami triggered a massive nuclear disaster, experts are warning that Japan isn't out of the woods yet and the worst nuclear storm the world has ever seen could be just one earthquake away from reality.

Chernobyl Tour 2012

Commentaires de l'utilisateur ayant mis en ligne la vidéo ( UrbanXploration )

"We paid around 120€ ~ 160 USD for are one day tour with 5 people. The hostel in Kiev central costs about 20€ ~ 25USD. If you need contact information, don't hestate to contact me."